Censored in Cuba, Ulises Toirac seeks help to finance his program on social media.

Since 2023, the Cuban comedian has denounced the censorship of the Ministry of Culture. They have pressured event organizers not to hire him. The actor cannot work and therefore does not earn money.

Cuban comedian Ulises Toirac made a request for financial help through the internet to maintain his program "El Rapidín Matutino."

In a statement, the artist explained that this free entertainment space is broadcast on his social media every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, offering information, news, curiosities, anniversaries, and a repertoire of humor and fun.

For years, the actor himself has financed "El Rapidín Matutino" with the help of friends and family, covering the costs of electricity, internet connection, equipment, and the time devoted to the program.

"These expenses and the inability to make live presentations have definitely eroded and almost brought my family economy to collapse. Therefore, it is imperative to resort to donations (...). Any amount, no matter how small, is valuable," Toirac expressed, thanking in advance those who support this cause.

The donations are being managed by Batey de Cuba, which has offered its platform to facilitate financial support for the comedian.

"The Rapidín Matutino" has an interactive format, where Toirac interacts with his followers, presents videos from his career, and features the participation of his characters in humorous monologues.

For several years now, Toirac's economic situation has been exacerbated by censorship in Cuba, something he has publicly denounced.

The actor claims that the Ministry of Culture pressures event organizers not to hire him, thus preventing him from working and earning an honest living.

On his Facebook profile, Toirac has recounted several times how his performances have been canceled due to the intervention of the state agency.

Ulises Toirac, with his charisma and talent, continues to look for ways to stay active and offer his audience moments of joy and reflection through his humor created in Cuba, despite the economic adversities and censorship that the artist faces on the island.

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