Decimas to Mijaín: A striking propaganda video from the official press in Cuba

Gathered in a bar, a group of young creators from the Hermanos Saíz Association followed the Olympic competition and cheered for the Cuban wrestler with evident enthusiasm, mixing spirits with poetic outbursts.

The official portal Cubadebate published a striking video that showed the celebration of a group of Cuban fans in response to the historic victory of the already five-time Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, Mijaín López.

Gathered in a bar, a group of young Cubans was following the Olympic competition and cheering for the Cuban wrestler with evident enthusiasm. After he won his fifth gold medal, the joy of the patrons erupted, inspiring one of them to sing a décima in honor of the "Gigante de Herradura."

"Cuba is already the winner / We can celebrate now / And for those who want to talk / Say pinareño now / This victory is resounding / And I do congratulate him / And I love him and do not compete / And I look for his heights / Of the Giant of Herradura / Paris was too small for him."

The video, shared by the Brother Saíz Association (AHS) - which brings together young Cuban creators committed "to an authentically revolutionary culture" - featured the young improviser Marcos David Fernández Brunet, who tuned the lyre to sing the feat of Mijaín.

Facebook/ Marcos David Fernández Brunet

What stands out in the video, beyond the skill of the bard with his verses, is the apparent state of intoxication of the young man who, beer in hand and sweaty, sings a stanza of reivindication for an indisputable champion in the sport, while being a controversial figure due to the propagandistic use the Cuban regime makes of his image.

Of the young people gathered there, many wore t-shirts and caps with the slogan "Art unites us," the communication campaign for 2024 from the AHS.

Among the most excited at the event was journalist, essayist, narrator, and screenwriter Yasel Toledo Garnache, director of the cultural magazine El Caimán Barbudo and national president of the Asociación Hermanos Saíz.

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