Cuban reflects on friendships in Miami: "It's not about the place, but about the person"

Cuban in the United States reflects on the phrase "In Miami, there are no friends."

A Cuban woman in the United States has shared a reflection on the commonly heard phrase "There are no friends in Miami" in a TikTok video where she speaks from her own personal experience. "I can't speak about Miami, but I can speak about myself. I've always been a solitary person; I only have two friends. I don't think it's about Miami, but about you as a person," the user @karlybeautyservices begins, challenging the idea that the city is the problem rather than the people and their ability to connect with others.

She continues explaining that her solitary nature and her tendency to prioritize herself over sharing with others have limited her friendships. "If you are a person, like me, who prioritizes herself more than sharing with others, obviously you won't have many friendships," she comments in the video.

The Cuban's reflection concludes with the idea that being a sharing person can result in being surrounded by people, regardless of the place. However, it also warns that this does not guarantee true friendships: "If you are a more sharing person, it doesn't matter where you are; you will always be surrounded by people. That doesn't mean they are your friends."

In the end, Karla Martín asks her followers what they think about this saying: "Do you think there are no friends in Miami or is it more about the person?" In response to this question, several users commented that it's not just about Miami; it's something that happens in the United States.

"Is it just in Miami? Wrong, it's the same across the whole country," "That's how it is everywhere in the USA," "I believe that particularly in the USA it's very difficult," or "There are no friends anywhere here in the USA," said the netizens.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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