Cuban migrants in transit through Mexico are detained.

Operation in Tizayuca ends with the detention of undocumented Cuban and Venezuelan migrants in Mexico.

Detención de inmigrantes cubanos en México © Facebook Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana Tizayuca
Detention of Cuban immigrants in MexicoPhoto © Facebook Secretariat of Citizen Security Tizayuca

The Tizayuca Citizen Security Secretariat carried out an operation where they detained a group of Cubans and Venezuelans without legal documents in Mexico.

The operation was organized over the weekend, focused on crime prevention in the municipality. Several institutions participated, including the National Institute of Migration, the National Guard, and the Secretary of Public Safety of the State of Hidalgo.

Facebook Secretariat of Citizen Security of Tizayuca

Authorities checked the immigration status of several people residing in Tizayuca. The detained Cubans and Venezuelans were unable to prove their legal residence in the country.

Following the appropriate protocols, the authorities transferred them to facilities of the National Immigration Institute in Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo.

The statement does not specify the number of Cubans detained, nor the identity of any of those involved in this case.

Cuba ranks second among countries that send emigrants to Mexico, surpassed only by Honduras.

Between January and July 2024, official data indicates that more than 9,914 Cubans in irregular situations have applied for protection from Mexican authorities. Most of these individuals are in transit to the United States.

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