Lieter Ledesma returns to Cuba to visit his sick father: "I can't find the point of return to such chaos."

Returning to Cuba for Lieter has been synonymous with anguish, especially seeing with his own eyes the decay in which the country is immersed.

Lieter Ledesma © Instagram / Lieter Ledesma
Lieter LedesmaPhoto © Instagram / Lieter Ledesma

Lieter Ledesma is visiting Cuba with his wife and daughter; the delicate health of his father led the artist to travel to the island after several years without returning to his country.

On his Instagram profile, the Cuban actor shared several photos with his dad and his family explaining the reasons for his trip.

"I just returned from Cuba. My father is very delicate health-wise. He gave us a big scare but he keeps fighting for his life," wrote Lieter.

Returning to Cuba has been synonymous with anguish for Lieter, especially upon seeing with his own eyes the decline in which the country is immersed.

"It has been a journey into the deepest pain, into despair. I cannot describe such orphanhood, I can't find the point of return to such chaos. Almost no friends are left, the young are fading away, the old are increasingly alone. Nothing matters, no one matters. Cuba is no longer a country, it is a piece of land abandoned to its fate. Every man for himself. God. Homeland and Life and Freedom," he added in his text.

The actor has always been very clear that the best decision of his life was to leave Cuba and bring his wife and daughter to the United States.

From a distance, it has always maintained critical positions towards Cuban reality, but seeing it up close and being able to touch it is beyond anything that can be imagined.

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Deneb González

CiberCuba Entertainment Editor

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