Dogs and dolphins interact on a boat ride through Miami.

In the video, the joy of the dogs was captured as they watched the dolphins from the boat. The dolphins, as if sharing a secret language, responded with acrobatics.

The beautiful interaction between dolphins and dogs, who were onboard a boat, has gone viral by capturing the spontaneous and joyful connection between the two species, showcasing their curiosity and mutual affection.

The video, which has captivated kind-hearted people from all over the world, was shared on Instagram by the profile Only in Dade, accompanied by a simple message: "Dolphins and dogs make everything better."

The video captured the joy of the dogs, who watched the dolphins from the boat. The dolphins, as if sharing a secret language between species, responded with acrobatics in the water.

Sightings of cetaceans along the coasts of Florida are not uncommon. Last May, a rare white dolphin was seen near the coast of the city of Clearwater.

The video, shared by Matt Devitt on Instagram, showed the cetacean swimming with another bottlenose dolphin.

And recently, another dolphin chose the bay of Miami to show off its acrobatic skills.

An internet user, who was sailing on a yacht, captured the enthusiastic presence of the animal and decided to share it on social media.

The user identified as @beatrizcamposdieguez on Instagram shared a short video showing the dolphin swimming behind the yacht, while jumping to be captured by the camera.

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