Viral video: Newly hatched sea turtles race to the sea on a Florida beach.

Dozens of newborn sea turtles ran to the sea on a Florida beach. The fortunate beachgoers who witnessed this impressive moment showed great respect for wildlife.

A video published on the Instagram accounts @egmarine and @onlyindade has captured an impressive moment on a beach in Florida, where dozens of newly hatched sea turtles make their way to the ocean after breaking out of their eggs.

Sea turtles return to the same beach where they were born to lay their eggs. The brief audiovisual has generated a significant impact on social media, showing how baby turtles emerge from the sand and quickly head to the water, in an instinctive act of survival.

The post has accumulated nearly 22,000 interactions and has numerous messages about the beauty of the little turtles and the excitement of experiencing something like this in the midst of nature.

This type of event underscores the importance of protecting endangered species and respecting natural habitats.

Sea turtles are a vulnerable species, and their protection is essential to maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems.

The most common species of sea turtles in Miami are the loggerhead, leatherback, and green sea turtles. However, the hawksbill and kemp's ridley turtles can also be found in nearby waters.

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