Store boasts of selling egg cartons for nearly 6 dollars in Havana amid shortages

Tiendas Caribe Grandes Centro showcased on social media the great popularity of their egg carton sales at $5.95.

While the Cuban people are forced to pay up to 5,000 pesos for a carton of eggs in the informal market, the Tiendas Caribe network boasted on social media about "the great acceptance" of selling this product for $5.95 at various locations in Havana.

Tiendas Caribe Grandes Centros posted a video on Facebook highlighting “the great acceptance” of carton egg sales at the La Copa store in the Playa municipality, a product that is nearly nonexistent in most Cuban households.

"It's selling very well; customers are pleased," noted a woman as she pointed out a small line of people buying eggs.

In another post, the chain of stores detailed that a carton of eggs is sold for $5.95, which, at the current rate in the informal market, amounts to less than 2,000 Cuban pesos—a price significantly lower than the 5,000 pesos that many Cubans are forced to pay on the street.

Facebook Capture / Tiendas Caribe Large Centers

The price of eggs is a major concern for Cubans, as this product has historically been an affordable substitute for meat. However, the recent rise in their cost has turned a carton of eggs into yet another item that many families find unaffordable.

A Cuban reported this Wednesday on the high price of eggs in the market, using humor to display a table with shells and ironically claiming that he had invested nearly a dollar in them.

Manuel Viera expressed his frustration in a Facebook post by showing a table covered with eggshells, commenting: “And here I am! Waiting for the ladies with creative recipes to find a way to use the eggshells. After paying more than 100 pesos for each one... something has to be done with them.”

Facebook Screenshot / Manuel Viera

The irony in Viera's publication highlights the desperation and creativity with which citizens are trying to confront the economic crisis on the island.

Another who has used humor to reflect the price of chicken eggs is comedian Otto Ortiz.

With the cheekiness that characterizes him, the Cuban comedian reported in May that a carton of eggs in Havana can cost 3,500 pesos.


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