Maduro claims that María Corina Machado has a satanic pact with Elon Musk and the Satanic Church of Detroit.

"When I say that we are facing some demons, I am not exaggerating. They have a satanic pact with the satanic church of the United States. That is why I say that we are facing a satanic Goliath," said the chavista leader to his followers.

Nicolás Maduro y escena de la película "El exorcista" © RR.SS.
Nicolás Maduro and the scene from the movie "The Exorcist"Photo © RR.SS.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, invested in March 2013 as the highest authority of the Catholic Church under the name Pope Francis, has missed a unique opportunity to appoint Nicolás Maduro as exorcist of the Diocese of Rome.

Given his sixth sense for identifying demons and pacts with the Devil, Bergoglio could count on his good friend Maduro to combat the forces of Evil and reduce the worshipers of Satan to ashes.

The 'Prayer to Saint Michael against Satan and the Rebel Angels' pales in comparison to Maduro's inflamed tongue.

imbued with his faith in Jesus, the first anti-imperialist in history, who -according to what he claimed in October 2023- fought 3,000 years ago against the Spanish Empire, the occupant of the Palacio de Miraflores has more exorcising power than the Holy Rosary.

If at the beginning of August Maduro accused the billionaire Elon Musk and the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, of being satanists, this Saturday his Sauron's eye detected new malevolent influences in the person of the opposition leader María Corina Machado.

"Look, compatriots, we are facing some demons. When I say we are facing some demons, I am not exaggerating. They have a satanic pact with the satanic church of the United States. La Sayona puts on a medallion and some strange things because she has a pact with Elon Musk and the satanic church of Detroit. That’s why I say we are facing a satanic Goliath," he said in front of his followers.

It is said by the dictator who committed fraud in the last elections, who ordered the subsequent repression, and who intends to illegitimately govern over more than 28 million Venezuelans. Chavismo in its purest and most delirious state of disarray.

With the relics of Chávez and Fidel, and the continuous repetition of nonsensical prayers and expulsion orders, Maduro wants at least to defeat the Demon in the beyond of his neurons, since he did not defeat María Corina Machado on the civic level, where the reality and intelligence of Venezuelans prevailed.

Mysteriously, Maduro's invective against María Corina Machado was answered by the Church of Satan itself, which took to X (formerly Twitter, until the Archdemon Musk bought it) to make its opinion clear on the matter, using a single word in Spanish: "Stupid."

For all those who need to conjure that and other qualities of the dictator, CiberCuba shares the plea of León XIII:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle / be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil / may God rebuke him, is our humble supplication / And you, Prince of the heavenly hosts / by the power of God / cast into Hell Satan and the other evil spirits / who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls / Amen.

What do you think?


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Iván León

Bachelor's degree in journalism. Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master's degree in International Relations and European Integration from UAB.

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