Due to the lack of resources and the inefficiency of the Government of Havana in collecting solid waste that abounds in the streets of the capital, a private company will be responsible for improving garbage collection in some municipalities of that province.
In the case of Cerro, the Administration Council made an alliance with the micro, small, and medium enterprise (Mipyme) Talleres Delis to improve community hygiene, reports the state-run Canal Habana.
Apparently, the main contribution of this private business will be the improvement of the fleet of equipment involved in garbage collection, prioritizing the main avenues of the area, notes the state media.
The mayor of that municipality, Elena Luis, specified that the agreement will be put to the test for a month to evaluate the results.
The collection brigades will operate starting at 6:00 p.m. along Calzada de Boyeros to Monte and along Ayestarán.
According to the official, they have established and instructed the population on the areas for the concentration of solid waste and that only starting at 6:00 p.m. will people be able to deposit them in the designated places.
The truth is that the serious crisis in garbage collection in the Cuban capital has been evidenced in videos and images that have circulated on social media in recent months.
Recently, a post published on Instagram by the user Juan Juan Almeida showed the corner of Lealtad and San Lázaro, in Centro Habana, turned into a large garbage dump.
Juan Juan's followers claimed that "this is how all of Cuba is" and questioned the government's intentions of "promoting tourism on the island" with so much garbage on the streets. "I would like to know which tourist is going to want to come here if Cuba is a total disaster," said an internet user.
Another social media user shared the closure of a street in the municipality of Diez de Octubre due to the accumulation of garbage, highlighting the regime's inaction in addressing this problem.
With his usual sarcasm and wit, Cuban humorist Jardiel González has taken aim at the growing unsanitary conditions in Havana and the ineptitude of the leaders to resolve the problem.
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