Thief arrested in central park of Santiago de Cuba

The pickpocket was detained by passersby and by the police who were at the scene.

A man who snatched a woman's purse in Plaza de Marte park, in Santiago de Cuba, was apprehended on Wednesday by passersby and police who were patrolling the area.

The alleged thief had fled after robbing the lady of her belongings, reported independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, who accompanied the report with a video sent by a follower of his Facebook page.

In the clip, the police can be seen guarding a subject who has his hands handcuffed, while several people are watching around.

Likewise, the police wait for a while with the detained man on a sidewalk of the popular Santiago park until a vehicle arrives, where he is placed and supposedly taken for questioning.

The spokesperson noted that he does not have information about the individuals involved in the incident, and therefore requested assistance in identifying the alleged wrongdoer.

In the context of the structural crisis that Cuban society is experiencing, incidents like these are not new, as reports of thefts of cell phones, money, or other valuable belongings are becoming increasingly frequent on social media.

In February of this year, young Cubans who suffered thefts at a bus stop in Santa Clara organized to catch a pickpocket until they succeeded.

The man had stolen cell phones, tablets, and other belongings from university students while they were taking a bus.

Another alleged pickpocket was arrested in June of this year after stealing a cell phone from a lady on a P6 bus in Old Havana.

The alleged thief was captured by the police after stealing the cellphone from the Cuban amidst the common crowds that form on the buses of the Island, due to the scarcity of transportation and the difficulties faced by Cubans in their commutes.

During those days, a report aired on the Mesa Redonda television program recounted that a man was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being caught stealing a cellphone from its owner on a bus in Havana.

According to the state-run program, the incident occurred at a P12, around 4:00 pm, while traveling along Avenida Boyeros and Calzada del Cerro.

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