Cuban youth from Hialeah murders his mother and stabs his sister and grandmother.

The attacker was shot dead by the police at the crime scene.

A 30-year-old Cuban resident in Hialeah killed his mother and stabbed his grandmother and his 17-year-old sister before being shot by the police.

The attacker, identified as Alex González, had a history of some type of psychiatric disorder that has not been specified by the authorities.

The fatal victim was Alex's mother, Madeline González, who unfortunately would have turned 50 years old this Thursday - one day after the tragedy.

The other two injured women are the grandmother, Rosa González, and the killer's sister, Amanda González, who is only 17 years old.

The Hialeah police report -released by the local press- reveals that officers responded to an emergency call about a domestic dispute around 4:25 a.m. on Wednesday at the address 4265 West 5th Court.

Upon arriving at the scene, the agents found a stabbing victim outside the house.

Inside the home, they discovered two other women stabbed and the armed suspect.

While the officers were trying to assist the victims, a confrontation with the suspect occurred, leading the agents to fire their weapons, authorities reported.

"He had a knife in his hand and then he lunged at the officers, who had to shoot him in self-defense, resulting in his death," explained Steadman Stahl of the Benevolent Association of the Police.

The two injured women were transferred to the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Both survived the surgeries and are in stable condition.

Mayke González, brother of the deceased woman, has expressed his dismay at the tragedy that has affected his family.

"I had to tell my mom that her daughter had passed away, and I had to tell my niece that her mom had passed away. It was the hardest thing I had to do, but I had to be strong and let them know," González said in a statement to Telemundo 51.

"When I got there at 4:45 in the morning, I thought I would find something normal, that the police were there for some domestic issue, maybe screams or something like that, but when the police told me they had taken them to Jackson Memorial Hospital at three, I knew it was something very serious," González added.

"The two are alive by miracle, but they are alive and are going to be okay […] They both know they have to be strong, one for the other because now there is a grandmother for a granddaughter, together," he concluded.

The shooting in which the officers were involved is now under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), as established by protocol in these cases.

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