The fall of a tree crushes a truck in the province of Artemisa.

It seems that the tree fell in the midst of the severe storm that affected some areas of Artemisa this Thursday.

Camioneta que resultó aplastada por un árbol © Collage Facebook/Accidentes Buses & Camiones
Pickup truck that was crushed by a treePhoto © Collage Facebook/Accidents Buses & Trucks

A pickup truck from the Japanese brand Mitsubishi was crushed by the fall of an imposing tree in the province of Artemisa, according to images shared in the Facebook group Accidentes Buses & Camiones.

Tree that fell on the vehicle (Source: Facebook/Accidentes Buses & Camiones)

"In Artemisa, the tree fell and the truck was parked," published in the mentioned group user Roberto Mederos, who did not provide other details about the circumstances of the incident or when or exactly where it occurred.

(Source: Facebook/Accidentes Buses & Camiones)

In the shared photos, it can be seen that the immense tree fell on the rear part of the truck, apparently of the L200 model, a vehicle that, despite being robust, could not withstand the unexpected impact.

(Source: Facebook/Accidentes Buses & Camiones)

One of the photos allowed us to see that it is a state-owned truck - apparently quite new - belonging to the Business Group of Recycling (EMPR) of that province.

Facebook Capture/Accidents Buses & Trucks

Although the source does not provide details, it is very likely that the tree fell during the locally severe storm that affected the municipality of Güira de Melena and other areas on Wednesday, causing hail, intense rain, and strong winds.

The weather phenomenon, which accumulated 44 mm of rain in just one hour and recorded gusts of wind of up to 87 km/h, is characteristic of summer afternoons in Cuba, reported meteorologist Raydel Ruisanchez on Facebook.

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