A man is attacked with machetes outside a party in Santiago de Cuba.

The violent incident occurred early this morning.


Early this morning, a Cuban identified as Leinieski González Barallobre was assaulted with a machete while returning from a 15th birthday party being held in his neighborhood of El Caney, in Santiago de Cuba.

González Barallobre's family does not know the reasons for the aggression, although they believe it could be related to previous issues involving another minor family member.

"But the one who got slashed with the machetes was my brother," the complainant lamented in statements to journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada.

Although Leinieski González only had a few scratches on his body, he has a larger wound on his head.

The injured person was initially assisted at the Juan Bruno Zayas Clinical Surgical Hospital due to its proximity, but because of the injuries they had, they were transferred to the Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital.

"He was subjected to a somatón [scanner] here and they stitched him up so he wouldn't keep losing blood. Now we are waiting for what the doctors decide to take him to the Operating Room," said the family member.

The aggression occurred on Calle Segunda de las Flores, Ketty 2, El Caney, in Santiago de Cuba. The attacker, known as "Javier," is currently being held under investigation according to the source's testimony.

The sister of the assaulted man requests that "the attacker pay for what he did," as he could have killed her brother and the 16-year-old minor who was with him.

As of the closing of this note, there are no other confirmed details about the event.

In the comments section of the post, dozens of internet users expressed their resignation to the daily reports that testify to an increase in violence on the island.

Cuba has become an unsafe country for more than two years now. Violent acts happen daily, and unlike in the past, the regime can no longer silence families who report acts of violence and who, in the worst cases, mourn the loss of a loved one.

In one of the most recent reports from Santiago de Cuba, a 36-year-old Cuban was killed during a party in the town of Chile, which belongs to the municipality of San Luis, last Saturday.

In that case, the victim, identified as Luis Ángel García Torres, received two machete blows in a surprise attack while dancing with his wife, according to reports on social media.

At least 18 people died in Cuba in July due to the rising wave of violence affecting the island, according to figures reported by the Cuban Observatory of Conflicts (OCC).

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