Missing girl who had been missing for several days in Havana located.

The minor, a resident of the La Güinera neighborhood, had been seen for the last time on Monday. She was found this Saturday in the Havana municipality of Marianao.

Samantha de la Caridad Hernández García © Facebook / Lara Crofs
Samantha de la Caridad Hernández GarcíaPhoto © Facebook / Lara Crofs

Samantha de la Caridad Hernández García, a four-year-old girl living in the La Güinera neighborhood in Havana, was found this Saturday after several days missing.

The minor, who was last seen on Monday, was located in Marianao, according to her father, José Hernández, who currently resides in Brazil.

Facebook Screenshot / Lara Crofs

"Thank you all. Ready, we can now share the news with everything confirmed. The girl from Guinera has been found. She is now with her paternal grandmother," said activist Yamilka Lafita, known on Facebook as Lara Crofs.

When contacted by the independent media outlet CubaNet, the father confirmed that his mother found the girl and took her immediately to the hospital for a medical evaluation. Although he preferred not to provide additional details, he expressed his relief at the outcome.

“Thank God today my mom found her in Marianao. She already has her and took her to the hospital for the doctors to examine her,” Hernández told the media outlet.

The disappearance of Samantha had generated great concern among her family and friends, who had been without news of her or her mother, Yunisleydy García, for days.

According to Hernández, his mother and brother were in charge of bringing food and medicine regularly to the girl, as the little one suffers from impetigo, a skin infection that has spread all over her body, including her scalp.

The father explained that the last communication he had with García was on Monday, when she mentioned her intention to take the girl to the beach to help dry the wounds caused by impetigo.

However, since then, there had been no news of them, which led the family to file a complaint with the police. According to publications from the father, the mother and her current partner were facing alleged problems with drug use, an issue highlighted by several social media profiles, such as that of comedian Limay Blanco.

Screenshot Facebook / Limayblanco Comedian

The lack of communication was compounded by the fact that García's cellphone was broken, which further complicated the situation. José expressed on several occasions his fear for his daughter's health due to the severity of the infection and the urgent need to confirm her well-being.

Fortunately, the girl is now under the care of her grandmother and receiving medical attention to assess her health status after days of uncertainty.

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