Javier Berridy launches a parody about the new trend in Miami: Eye color change.

With the music of "La mujer del pelotero" in the background and an improvised güiro, the comedian began to narrate what happens with the change of eye color.

The change in eye color is the latest trend in Miami, to the point that comedian Javier Berridy released a parody regarding this new trend.

With the music of "La mujer del pelotero" in the background and an improvised güiro, the comedian began to narrate what happens with the change of eye color.

"There is a trend here in Miami, there is a stir, to wear blue eyes like the sky or green eyes to look like a model, what kind of madness is this, sir," says the parody at the beginning.

The funniest thing is seeing the filters that Berridy uses, in which he changes the color of his eyes from blue to green.

According to Berridy, the procedure "surely costs a good amount of money; I can imagine people putting everything on the line."

As expected, in the parody by Berridy, the change in eye color of Osmani García, La Diosa, and even Eduardo Antonio's intention to undergo that transformation came to light.

"Osmani García went to change his eyes and now he has blue ones, and they don't look bad on him. And La Diosa ran over and changed her color, and now she looks like a white girl in the City of the Sun, and I'm sure Eduardo Antonio is going to love this because he has a habit of getting surgery and changing," says another part of the parody.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment