Otaola reveals what his vacation destination has been.

The influencer and former candidate for the Miami-Dade mayoralty revealed what his vacation destination is and hinted that he is having a great time.

Cuban influencer Alexander Otaola revealed in recent hours that Hawaii has been his vacation destination, the place where he has been relaxing since last Saturday after the setback of finishing in third place in the Miami-Dade County mayoral elections.

Otaola reappeared in a photo on Instagram on a boat, wearing a colorful outfit, with a hat, glasses, barefoot, and in the background the characteristic volcanic landscape of the Hawaiian islands.

The popular influencer and host received dozens of comments from his followers, many celebrating what several have referred to as a "well-deserved break."

Others believe that this is their natural state and that everything happens "for a reason," meaning that entering the mayor's office would have forced them into a behavior that is not theirs by definition.

Apparently, Otaola has participated in an excursion in search of whale and dolphin sightings.

In another post, the influencer shared snapshots from his trip, perfectly set to the song "Hawái" by Maluma.

It was on Saturday that, with the hashtags #vacationsmodeon #dreambeaches #farawaygetaway, Otaola took an enigmatic selfie from a plane, implying that he was going on vacation.

"With head held high"

Previously, he appeared on Thursday on social media to explain to his followers how he felt after the electoral result and clarify that there is still "nothing lost."

In an extensive 50-minute video, he started by emphatically thanking his voters, donors, and those who believed it was possible to reach the mayor's office in Miami-Dade. He said he was strong, "with his head held high," and that "an election is about winning or losing."

"In an election, anything can happen. What we are demanding right now is transparency. That we can see that we lost without any kind of hindrance," he said, referring to his request for a recount of votes.

"I am arguing that the exit poll does not reflect the final result by any means," he said about his doubts; he also referred to some people who participated and whose votes would not appear registered in the Department of Elections.

On the other hand, he denied that the Department of Elections had dismissed a recount. He detailed that the official petition had not yet been sent and that there is a ten-day deadline to do so.

Otaola said that he will be willing to acknowledge his defeat when all resources have been exhausted. He added that, although a recount will not make him mayor, there is no defeat because a statistic has been won, as 33,000 people bet on a change and are currently the opposition.

Alexander Otaola, known for his anti-communist stance and support for former President Donald Trump, ended up in a distant third place in last Tuesday's elections, obtaining only 12% of the votes, far behind the current mayor Daniella Levine Cava, who secured a second term with over 58% of the ballots.

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