Alexis Valdés does not forgive and continues to celebrate Otaola's defeat in Miami.

"A few words of support... To the fallen candidate!" wrote Alexis on his Instagram profile along with a video featuring his popular character Cristinito.

Alexis Valdés has continued his series of videos in which, using humor, he celebrates the defeat of Alexander Otaola in the recent elections for the mayor of Miami-Dade.

"Some words of support... 'To the fallen candidate!'" wrote Alexis on his Instagram profile alongside a video featuring his popular character Cristinito.

"I want to apologize because in the end, I didn't want to run in the elections. I looked at the polls, I saw how the percentages were for my colleague Coca-Cola, and honestly, it made me sad. I thought if I jumped in there, I wouldn't even get enough to run the farm," said Valdés in a monologue where he exchanges words or pronounces them incorrectly, typical of his characterization of Cristinito.

In the election results, Otaola placed third, with 12 percent of the votes, far behind the current mayor Daniella Levine Cava, who secured a second term with over 58% of the votes.

This was a reason for mockery for Valdés. “Wow, buddy, with those votes you got, you can’t even win a sack race, let alone the mayor's office,” he said.

He joked about a possible candidacy of Otaola in other elections. "You keep going forward, there are more elections, there are options... to lose."

Since the electoral process in Miami-Dade was in its final phase, Alexis Valdés let his persona Cristinito loose to make clear his opposition to the candidate.

After the release of results and the news that the request for a vote recount was rejected by the Miami-Dade Elections Department, in the same video where he explained to his followers how he felt after the electoral outcome and clarified that there is still "nothing lost," Otaola responded to artists who have promoted campaigns against him.

“The teacher (Alexis) Valdés who has made me a beautiful song and whom I have enjoyed a lot. Just like the rest of the comedians who have emerged. Eduardo Antonio who is now also a comedian and has also made a song mocking and of things that seem wonderful to me because all of that is a reflection of my campaign, all of that is a reflection of my person, all of that is a reflection of my actions, of my agenda,” Otaola stated in a live broadcast from his Facebook last Thursday.

He reproached them for not having seen them "making songs against the henchmen, I haven't seen them making parodies of the prices charged by agencies so that you can send medicine to your mother. I haven't seen those people, so Cuban, so human, so sensitive, making parodies and songs to criticize the shamelessness of the submission that is wanted to be maintained from Miami with the exiled using their own in Cuba as hostages."

Alexis and Otaola had problems in the past due to statements from the latter accusing him of paying "a pittance" to those who have been part of his projects while advocating for the unity of all Cubans.

In his message, the popular creator of the characters Cristinito and Nereida referred to a person - whose name he did not mention - who is in the habit of lying.

"One thing is to criticize the dictatorship and the dictators, which I think is fantastic, and another thing is to criticize, or try to humiliate, or discredit, a lot of Cuban artists who are even against the dictatorship, creating division, and taking away their value and giving weapons to the enemy..." he said.

Recently, it was known that Otaola decided to go on vacation this Saturday.

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