One step forward and two steps back: This is how the Electric Union of Cuba "advances."

A capacity of 2515 MW is estimated against a projected maximum demand of 3050 MW, which implies a deficit of 525 MW.

Apagón en Cuba © Cibercuba
Blackout in CubaPhoto © Cibercuba

Due to a significant deficit in generation capacity, the Unión Eléctrica (UNE) reported that there will be disruptions in several regions of Cuba this Tuesday.

The National Electric System (SEN) continues to experience setbacks as currently the Mariel unit 5, Santa Cruz CTE unit 1, Felton CTE unit 2, and Rente unit 5 are out of service due to breakdowns, according to what was published on the social network Facebook.

Facebook post/Electric Union

The limitations in thermal generation amount to 515 MW, and 33 distributed generation plants, which represent a total of 213 MW, are inoperative due to a lack of fuel.

To mitigate the situation during peak hours, the entry of unit 5 from the CTE Mariel is planned with 60 MW and the activation of distributed generation engines, which are awaiting maintenance, contributing 25 MW.

With these measures, a capacity of 2515 MW is estimated against a projected maximum demand of 3050 MW, which implies a deficit of 525 MW. If the current conditions persist, an impact of up to 595 MW is forecasted during peak demand hours.

Yesterday, the electric service was affected by a generation capacity deficit starting at 9:45 p.m., with the service being restored at 2:42 a.m. today.

This scenario of prolonged blackouts highlights the fragility of the electrical system in Cuba, worsened by the lack of proper maintenance and fuel shortages, elements that will continue to affect the daily life of the people due to the regime's failure to meet obligations.

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