Political prisoner from 11J passes away: The young man suffered from depression and had attempted to take his own life on two occasions.

The Cuban totalitarian regime violates what is established in the so-called 'Mandela Rules', which “require the State to provide ongoing medical assistance to ‘detect any signs of psychological stress or other issues caused by incarceration, including the risk of suicide or self-harm.’”

Yosandri Mulet Almarales © Facebook / Árbol Invertido
Yosandri Mulet AlmaralesPhoto © Facebook / Árbol Invertido

The protester from La Güinera and political prisoner of 11J, Yosandri Mulet Almarales, died this Monday due to the severe injuries sustained from a suicide attempt that left him in a precarious state between life and death for several days.

This was confirmed by the Cuban Prison Documentation Center (CDPC), a non-governmental organization that reported on August 22 about the second and final suicide attempt of the political prisoner, which occurred during a work pass from the penal center where he was carrying out forced labor.

Screenshot Facebook / Center for Documentation of Cuban Prisons

"According to activist Marcel Valdés, the family of the political prisoner learned today of his death, and it is not clear how many days Julio Trigo was in the hospital, where he was apparently taken alive, as the authorities took over the place," the organization indicated on its social media this Monday.

In statements to Martí Noticias, a family member of Mulet Almarales revealed that the inmate was suffering from great agitation and distress caused by his unjust sentence. "He didn't want to be imprisoned. He was very agitated," they indicated.

"Mulet Almarales was serving a 10-year sentence for the protests on July 11 in La Güinera, Havana. He made his second suicide attempt during a pass from the penitentiary where he was doing forced labor," specified the CDPC.

For its part, the platform Cubadecide launched an urgent alert and denunciation message this Monday, indicating that the political prisoner was "in intensive care, reported as serious, after jumping from the Calabazar bridge during a prison pass [Toledo]."

"About eight months ago, Yosandri had already attempted to take his life in the Combinado del Este prison. On that occasion, he tried to hang himself and was saved by his fellow inmates," indicated the platform created by opposition leader Rosa María Payá.

He also denounced "that the prisoners of 11J are being subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment, they are completely denied prison benefits, and many of them do not even have the support of their families."

In that sense, the CDPC reminded of the existence of the so-called 'Mandela Rules', which "require the State to provide ongoing medical assistance to 'detect any signs of psychological stress or other issues caused by incarceration, including the risk of suicide or self-harm'."

The Cuban totalitarian regime not only violates what is established in those rules, but also practices methods of torture against political prisoners, as various non-governmental organizations have documented through testimonies from victims of repression.

“The desperation and suffering of Cuban political prisoners, who have been arbitrarily judged and sentenced to long prison terms, is leading them to make desperate decisions as the only recourse against the constant violation of their human rights,” emphasized Cubadecide in its statement.

Yosandri Mulet Almarales was born on May 11, 1987. The political prisoner was sentenced on January 24, 2023, to 10 years of imprisonment following the trial held in the People's Court of the 10 de Octubre municipality.

The prosecutor initially requested 13 years of imprisonment for the alleged crime of sedition. Mulet Almarales spent more than a year in provisional detention, awaiting trial.

The political prisoner was reported in critical condition on June 4, after attempting to commit suicide in the Combinado del Este prison, which led to a change in his measures to house arrest. Ultimately, the regime's justice revoked the house arrest measure that had been imposed on him prior to the sentencing. Mulet Almarales was 37 years old at the time of his death.

The historic protests of July 11, 2021 (11J), which brought thousands of demonstrators to the streets of towns and cities in Cuba, resulted in one death and several injuries after confrontations between protesters and repressive forces near the police station in the La Güinera neighborhood of the Arroyo Naranjo municipality in Havana.

The death of Diubis Laurencio Tejeda was officially confirmed by the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) on July 13. The 36-year-old young man died from a shot from a Makarov pistol (standard issue for the Cuban police) fired from behind by sub-lieutenant Yoennis Pelegrín Hernández, head of the sector in Mantilla.

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