20-year-old Cuban recently arrived in the United States ends up on the street.

The young Cuban arrived in the United States exactly a month ago by crossing borders.

A 20-year-old Cuban youth who arrived in the U.S. just a month ago after crossing borders recently showed how he ended up on the streets in Tampa after the person who was temporarily hosting him kicked him out without any explanation.

"It's very difficult to be in a country that is not yours, without family and without friends. Believe me, it's true, without anyone to support you, without anyone to lend you a hand," said the young man - identified on TikTok as Gisel Humberto - while he was live-streaming, walking along the edge of a road in search of a place to sleep.

"It is very hard to leave Cuba with the hope of arriving in a country and have everything go well for you. The hope of being able to work, support your family, and that these kinds of things happen to you," the migrant added at another moment in his broadcast, who at first did not provide details about the person hosting him, nor the reason why that person kicked him out.

"I did not come to this country with the intention of giving up, I came to this country with a strong desire to work, and even though they put one barrier after another in my way... I am going to move forward, because that was the promise I made to my mom, so I will not let those obstacles stop me. Forward," he added.

After spending his first night sleeping on the street, the young man, originally from Holguín, explained how the events unfolded on the day he ended up on the street.

She recounted that she was dedicated to doing the housework in the home where she was staying and that on the day in question, that person - who she did not specify whether they were a man or a woman - arrived and told her that she had to leave because the owners of the rental did not want anyone there.

He had no choice but to set out with a backpack on his shoulder to walk. He looked for nearby churches where they could give him shelter, but he didn’t find any and chose to walk towards the airport. He says that along the way, a man stopped and took him to the airport.

Meanwhile, her mother in Cuba, who was aware of the situation and desperate, contacted some friends who brought food to the airport and helped him.

He says that at the airport, in addition, a lady gave him 20 dollars. Finally, his mother's friends brought him food and told him: "Going back to Cuba is not a solution. You are already here."

Gisel Humberto specified that for now he is at his mother's friends' house and that he is happy because several of his papers have already arrived: "my humanitarian aid, the social security, my cash, and my food stamps arrived," he said.

The young man, who said he is a professional dancer and a graduate of an art school, expressed that he is very grateful to the people who are helping him find his way.

Although she would like to dedicate herself to dancing at some point, she says she is aware that she first came to work in whatever job, to train, to find her path, and that once she is stable, she will be able to broaden her horizons and try to forge her way professionally.

In the comments section of both posts - which went viral extremely quickly - many people advised the young Cuban who, in recent hours, received a visit from the popular and supportive Cuban influencer Dairon Cano.

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