Cuban healer surprises by curing empachos remotely from Matanzas.

In the past, empacho was one of the most common ailments on the Island.

Orlando Díaz Herrera © Radio Habana Cuba
Orlando Díaz HerreraPhoto © Radio Habana Cuba

A Cuban resident of the town of Tomeguín, in the municipality of Perico, belonging to the province of Matanzas, has gained some notoriety for his peculiar way of treating empacho.

"You can be in Havana, and with your name, I can cure your upset stomach or bad digestion. From my house, I take it away from those who are in the hospitals; the parents tell me, 'He is called so-and-so and is in such-and-such room,' and that's it. Just like the cattle worm, I only need to know where it is, and it falls off the animal without giving it any medication," expressed Orlando Díaz Herrera to the official broadcaster Radio Habana Cuba.

His way of "resolving" indigestions in people, he says, is "a natural gift" that he learned autonomously.

"There are many who say how it could be, but in this world there is everything for everyone. I do that work for whoever needs it," he states.

In the past, empacho was one of the most common ailments on the Island. It refers to overeating in a single sitting or consuming indigestible foods.

For its treatment, excellent home remedies are known, such as warm clear water, a light infusion of chamomile flowers, elderflower, or tea.

Curers of empacho are people who live in the Cuban countryside and traditionally heal it with prayers, assisted by a measuring tape to assess the severity of the ailment, or a towel.

Another method is to rub one of the legs with oil or lard until the painful knot that you never imagined was there disappears.

Orlando, however, recounts that he once helped a girl who was hospitalized, where his son was also staying.

"There was a little girl who was going to be referred because everything she ate she threw up. Then my lady told me that her mom wanted me to massage her, and since I was standing at the door of the cubicle in front of the girl, I did it right there. Afterward, I sent my wife to give her three sips of water from the sink. The next day, she was discharged from the hospital," he reported.

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