As expected, the shutdown of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant early Wednesday morning is already being felt in the country's energy situation, where blackouts have intensified in recent hours.
The Electric Union (UNE) revealed that on Tuesday, the service was affected due to a deficit in generation capacity from 10:58 am to 1:01 pm, but it failed again at 4:03 pm, "unable to be restored in the early morning due to the shutdown at 2:50 am of the CTE Antonio Guiteras."
The outage of the Guiteras from the national electrical system (SEN), just two months after its last synchronization, has been decisive in the increase of the deficit. For this noon, a maximum impact of 450 MW is expected, and for peak hours, it will be 850 MW.
The power plant in Matanzas, the largest in the country, joins four other blocks from the CTE Mariel, Santa Cruz, Felton, and Rente, which are out of operation due to various failures.
"It is estimated [that the Guiteras] will rejoin the SEN tomorrow," said the UNE in its report this Wednesday, shared on its Facebook profile.
The Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant suffered an "inconvenience" with the so-called oil control, reported José Miguel Solís, a government-affiliated journalist specializing in the topic.
Engineer Rubén Campos Olmos, who indicated that the solution will not be ready before Thursday.
"As soon as the breakdown is thoroughly evaluated, we will provide details, although initially, they are thinking of 24 hours," the reporter specified on his Facebook wall.
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