A public transport driver in Havana who helped an elderly woman during the journey of his vehicle received thanks for his noble action.
The incident occurred this Sunday morning, and the driver of bus 707 on the P1 route in the Cuban capital "rescued an elderly woman at the 'La Benéfica' hospital, from Cuatro Caminos," wrote the internet user Eliosmy Hernández in the Facebook group "Real-Time Route Report."
This user, in addition to congratulating the driver, sent a message saying that "we are Cubans and the mindset needs to change for the good of all," referring to the increase in crime, violence, and the loss of values on the island.
The bus company echoed this gratitude through its Facebook account "Transportación Habana TH," where they stated that "in Cuba, there are public bus drivers who provide assistance to young people, adults, and the elderly."
They also emphasized that "this makes us proud, in the sense that there are still people with a good heart, who have feelings, and care about the condition of the passengers."
"We all know that buses have a route, but given the circumstances in the country regarding transportation, no one should penalize a driver for providing assistance to one or more people. Congratulations to that driver and to all those who, in one way or another, have compassion; remember that today it's a stranger, tomorrow it could be your family. Once again, congratulations man, today you were one of those valuable doctors who save lives just by helping." wrote a user in the comments section.
Last February, a Cuban grandmother's gratitude to a driver for the help he provided to her daughter, who was in labor, went viral.
"Driver of route 222 who worked in the early morning of Thursday, February 15, thank you infinitely," said the woman named Dalia Lissette Masaguer.
Another recognition was awarded to a driver of the P13 route who diverted the bus to the polyclinic to help a 10-year-old boy who was having a seizure inside the vehicle.
Drivers who have exhibited contrary behaviors have also been reprimanded, such as a P11 driver who refused to transport a sick elderly woman and is reportedly set to be sanctioned for his behavior, according to a promise made by the government of Havana.
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