Erdwin Fernández supports Ulyk Anello after he shared that he spent days without eating in Miami: "To criticize someone, you have to walk in their shoes."

"Instead of offending and mocking, it would have been beautiful to say: 'Ulyk, although I don't know you, here is our support, because here there's plenty of food. What do you need?'"

Erdwin Fernández y Ulyk Anello © Erdwin Fernández Collado / Facebook y Cubaactores (Actores y Actrices Cubanos) / Facebook
Erdwin Fernández and Ulyk AnelloPhoto © Erdwin Fernández Collado / Facebook and Cubaactores (Cuban Actors and Actresses) / Facebook

The Cuban actor Erdwin Fernández expressed solidarity with his colleague and friend Ulyk Anello after Anello shared his harsh experience as a migrant in the United States and publicly admitted that he has gone days without eating.

Erdwin sent a message of support to Ulyk in which he lashes out at those who have criticized him and recalls that being alone and far from loved ones is terrible.

"To criticize someone, you must walk in their shoes; it's a very old and wise saying, and only God knows what we all go through individually, and we suffer in solitude," she emphasized.

"Many may find public crying and complaining offensive, but that only happens when the heart explodes, and it is rather a call for help, nothing more, and one must have the courage to do it publicly," he recalled.

Last week, Anello gave an interview with the Dominican YouTuber Destino Tolk, in which he revealed that after the U.S. government took away his food stamp benefits, he went days without eating.

After the controversy that arose from those statements, Erdwin shared a text on his Facebook where he clarifies to his colleague that if mockery and attacks serve any purpose, it is to reveal that not everyone in the audience is a good, kind, and sensitive person, and he advises him to take better care of his private life.

"Instead of offending and mocking, it would have been beautiful to say: 'Ulyk, friend, even though I don't know you, here is our support, because here food is plentiful. What do you need?'" he pointed out.

Facebook capture / Erdwin Fernández Collado

Fernández revealed that many Cubans in Miami have jokingly said that Anello should work cleaning bathrooms and forget about acting.

"I want to see every Cuban who has come to this great country work in the field they studied; I want to see them succeed and fulfill their dreams, their professions. Others want to see us cleaning bathrooms; that is the difference. (And I know we have to work in whatever job, I have done it and I still do)," he emphasized.

"I published some time ago (and with great pride) that I started working as a sales associate in a chain of furniture stores, in a suit, with a collar and tie, in an air-conditioned environment, earning good money, and with excellent conditions, and the mockery was not lacking. And I learned something: a lot of people will also hate you for that, they will mock you, so I decided to keep my private life more private because you don't give flowers to pigs, they just eat them," he explained.

Finally, Erdwin assured his friend that many good Cubans will offer help, because there are also many people of goodwill in the United States, Christians who worship God and love human beings.

"And as for going hungry, my friend, here we are, many good Cubans and friends who, even if we're all a bit tight, will always offer you our support; and regarding loneliness, a call can always be made," he expressed.

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