Suspected murderers of a Cuban physical education teacher in Holguín captured.

The victim was murdered in the early hours of last Friday.

Presuntos asesinos de profesor © Collage Redes sociales
Alleged killers of professorPhoto © Social media collage

The alleged perpetrators of the death of Gilberto Laffita, a physical education teacher murdered in the early hours of August 30 near his home during an attempted robbery in the city of Holguín, have already been arrested, according to the official Facebook profile Cazador-Cazado.

The source indicated that the killers were captured in just 48 hours, and identified them as Michel Ramírez Tamayo, Jonathan Alberto Tejeda Sánchez, and Luis Miguel Peña Díaz.

Cazador-Cazado explained that the victim used to go out early in the morning to the café "El Regente," on Avenida Los Libertadores, and chat with the place's security guard.

On the night of the crime, he had gone to buy milk and upon returning home - very close to there - he was intercepted by some individuals who threatened him with a knife to force him to enter the house and take possession of his belongings.

After struggling with the attackers, the man ended up being stabbed in the back and died. Although both the guard and the neighbors intervened, the assailants managed to escape at first.

The official source boasted by highlighting that the authorities' response "was swift."

The first to be arrested was Michel Ramírez Tamayo, and hours later they captured the other two alleged murderers: Jonathan Alberto Tejeda Sánchez and Luis Miguel Peña Díaz.

Cazador-Cazado took the opportunity to distance the tragedy from the popular festivities taking place in the municipality.

"Do not get carried away by the sensationalism that tries to paint a wave of violence (in fact, this was the only situation of this kind in recent days and it was not associated with the parties). What should prevail is the confidence that there will never be impunity," they concluded.

In the comments section, in addition to celebrating the capture of the alleged murderers, many internet users noted that, beyond not being related to the parties in this case, it is an undeniable fact that violence is increasing in Cuba, particularly in Holguín, one of the provinces that reports the most violent incidents.

Although the official source did not identify the victim by name, several internet users in the comments confirmed that the deceased was Gilberto Laffita, a physical education teacher well-loved by his students and friends, whose death has shocked those close to him.

Laffita, who lived in the Peralta neighborhood, had worked as a physical education teacher at the José Martí Vocational Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences (IPVCE), the Raúl Gómez García Elementary Art School, and the Holguín Technical Institute, better known as ITH, and also sold water near his residence.

"I bring you devastating news with great pain. I just received a call that physical education teacher Gilberto Laffita, whom we affectionately called Laffita, was murdered in his backyard in the early hours of today. Those who studied during the years 94-2000 will remember him," Yudixander Sotto previously wrote on social media.

Another post in the Facebook group "Revolico Holguín" reported that the alleged killers were detained that same day, which coincides with the note from Cazador-Cazado.

Violence in Cuba on the rise

In recent days, a Cuban journalist shared a text on her networks in which she criticized the sanctions imposed on criminals who commit violent acts, stating that in her opinion, they are too lenient.

Iraida Calzadilla, a journalism professor at the University of Havana, questioned why the maximum penalty is not applied to the murderers or, at the very least, a sentence of 30 to 40 years in prison.

"They are sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment considering a series of mitigating factors, as if the crime had any, as if taking a life could be justified in any way," Calzadilla stated in a text on Facebook that he later deleted.

The communicator admitted that she was speaking from pain, as she acknowledged that her family were victims of a murder, which is why she called for the maximum penalty in such cases and for justice to be swift when the evidence is irrefutable.

"Killers who are not even sentenced to 30 years. They get 25, which end up being 15 for 'good behavior'. They even give them conjugal visits and other benefits. No one can deny what I am saying. I know it well and I can prove it," he asserted.

Calzadilla pointed out that those who experience the tragedy of losing a loved one must face the drama with a deep pain that never subsides, and emphasized that "no one has the right to devastate a family."

"I ask for a fair sentence. And for the murderers, the fair sentence cannot be less than 30 years, and reductions for supposed 'good behavior' should not be allowed. In their prison, they can breathe, live, and even love. The dead do not return. They, the murderers, decided that they should not breathe, that they should not live, that they should not love. They decided that they would not come back," concluded the communicator, whose publication went viral as much as it was politically incorrect, something that surely led her to delete it afterward.

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