The Ministry of the Interior informs about the arrest of the murderer of four people in Ceballos.

The Ministry of the Interior published a note in the Invasor newspaper stating that one person is the author of the murder.

Cubanos asesinados en Ceballos © Collage redes sociales
Cubans murdered in CeballosPhoto © Social media collage

The Ministry of the Interior reported this Monday the arrest of a man, accused of being the author of the murder of four people, including a four-year-old child, which occurred last Saturday in Ceballos, Ciego de Ávila.

The brief information, which does not provide details about the detained person, undermines what was reported this Sunday that there were three executors of this horrific crime in which two women, a teenager, and a minor lost their lives.

The note published in the official Periódico Invasor confirms that the motivation for this event was the robbery at the home of two of the victims and also states that "the stolen goods and the weapon that carried out such a painful event were recovered."

On Sunday, the news site CubaNet reported on three people detained: brothers Luis Enrique Romero Daudinot and Leudys, as well as Esney Fonseca Sánchez. However, on Monday, Esney denied his involvement in the quadruple murder, in which Yamila Reyes Tamayo (29 years old) and her son Richard Dariel Núñez (4 years old) lost their lives; along with their neighbors Raysa Rodríguez (50 years old) and her son Lester Rivadeneira Rodríguez (17), who had gone to help in response to the screams.

The incident has caused deep shock among Cubans, who cannot believe such a level of violence.

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