Otaola lashes out at Ulyk Anello and Erdwind Fernández after controversy about life in Miami: "Go back to your roots"

Controversy on social media among Cubans. Otaola criticizes Ulyk Anello and Erdwind Fernández for their statements about life in Miami and invites them to leave the United States.

The Cuban influencer Alexander Otaola has generated a new controversy on social media after making strong statements aimed at actors Ulyk Anello and Erdwind Fernández, whom he invited to return to "the sewer" they came from, referring to Cuba.

The controversy began after Anello shared his difficult experience as a migrant in the United States during an interview with Dominican YouTuber Destino Tolk.

Anello, known in Cuba for his work on television, confessed that after the withdrawal of food stamp benefits by the U.S. government, he has gone days without eating in Miami because what he earned from his job was not enough to pay rent, car insurance, and food.

Those statements went viral, provoking a wave of reactions both in support and criticism on social media. In this context, Erdwind Fernández came to the defense of his colleague, expressing his solidarity and stating that "to criticize someone, you have to walk in their shoes."

CiberCuba on Instagram

Alexander Otaola reacted to Erdwind's words with a comment on CiberCuba's social media, sparking a new controversy.

"It's easy, return to the sewer from which you escaped. I never saw him crying in Cuba because he has no light, water, or freedom. I did see him dancing the communist conga with Virulo. It's easy, go back to your origin," wrote the influencer, referring to both Anello and Fernández.

Her words led to a dozen reactions, among which Fernández's statements stand out:

"Oh Otaola... Return? Why do you speak in the plural? The same thing the clarias say in Cuba when someone complains: 'Get out of here'... And as for 'the origin,' let’s see Otaola, a question my friend: what about your origin? Were you born and raised in Japan? In that 'cesspool,' as you call Cuba, wonderful men and women still live, as well as relatives of many who live here."

Comment by Erdwind Fernández on Instagram CiberCuba

The situation of Ulyk Anello in the early stage of his life in Miami highlights the reality of many migrants who, despite their recognition in their countries of origin, must face significant challenges in their pursuit of success in a new environment.

The debate generated on social media following these statements highlights the complexities of life abroad and the difficulty of adapting to new circumstances, especially when expectations are not met as anticipated.

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