Migration Colombia speaks out about the incident with Cuban singer Amaury Gutiérrez at Cartagena Airport.

Migration Colombia gave a different version of the story than the one provided by the Cuban musician.

Aeropuerto de Cartagena (i) y Amaury Gutiérrez (d) © Collage Sacsa - Instagram/Amaury Gutiérrez
Cartagena Airport (i) and Amaury Gutiérrez (d)Photo © Collage Sacsa - Instagram/Amaury Gutiérrez

The Colombian Migration Authority issued an official statement recounting what happened to Cuban singer Amaury Gutiérrez and his manager Yasir Pérez in the early hours of this Wednesday, when for different reasons both were denied entry into the South American nation.

The report indicates that the incident occurred around 12:30 a.m. at the Immigration Control Post of the Rafael Núñez Airport in Cartagena following the arrival of flight 1145 from American Airlines, in which the artist and his manager arrived.

The official note states that Yasir Pérez "during the immigration control process, and in the validation of his identification documents, did not present the required documents for entry into the country, for which reason the Colombian immigration officer applied the immigration regulations established by the Colombian state and denied entry to the traveler."

The statement adds that at that moment "the American citizen Amaury Gutiérrez abruptly and disruptively interrupted the procedure, and expressed in a challenging manner and in a loud voice his intention to accompany Pérez in case he was denied entry."

The version of the immigration authority states that Amaury Gutiérrez "threw his passport abruptly and exhibited an intimidating attitude while trying to exit through the entry door, which forced the intervention of the airport security personnel and support from the National Police."

"This provocative behavior by Gutiérrez created a tense situation with the officers present at the control, who felt the need to intervene to maintain order," the text adds.

As a result, Yasir Pérez was inadmitted, in accordance with Article 70 of "Inadmission or Rejection" of the current immigration regulations, due to the lack of proper documentation for his identification; while the Cuban singer was inadmitted due to what they deemed "disturbing and disrespectful behavior."

In the final segment, the statement clarified that a third person traveling with them was informed that they could enter the country "since their documentation was in order and they were not involved in the incident."

Both travelers will be returned at noon today on American Airlines to Miami.

"Migración Colombia reaffirms its commitment to compliance with migration regulations and security at the Control Posts, and regrets any inconvenience that this incident may have caused," concluded the migration entity.

Amaury Gutiérrez's version of the incident

From the immigration office where he has been detained for several hours along with his manager, Amaury Gutiérrez said in statements to journalist Enrique Santos that he is not an artist who creates scandals and that, although there was a discussion, there were no verbal or physical assaults towards the immigration agent involved.

"I am not an artist who likes to make a scene; I always focus on the music. This is the first time this has happened to me, the first time since my recording career began in '97. Even back then, I traveled with a Cuban passport, which was a nightmare," he said, and reiterated that he had never had any problems before.

He explained that -for a reason he said he did not know- they wanted to prevent his manager from entering the country, something that upset Amaury.

"I intervened in the conversation 'a little heightened', but there was no physical or verbal aggression either," insisted the musician, who described the involved agent as "communist," something he says didn't sit well with the recipient.

"I told them 'you are treating us as if you were communists' and then they got furious and told me that I was also not going to enter the country," said Amaury, who emphasized that the reaction of the Colombian immigration authorities was "disproportionate."

He stated that they were separated from the other passengers and deliberately delayed so they could not be returned to Miami on the same plane and had to wait for the flight this Wednesday.

"People know that I am not an artist who creates scandals; I always focus on the music. I have my ideals, my political position is very clear, but I never disrespect anyone," he concluded, while expressing regret over the cancellation of the five-concert tour he had planned in Colombia from September 6 to 14.

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