Cuban woman who received criticism for the car she rented in Cuba shows her house in the USA.

A Cuban woman responds to criticisms regarding the model of car she rented in Cuba to visit her family, showing her home in the United States.

A Cuban woman returned to the island to reunite with her family and shared the emotional moment on her TikTok account. However, instead of focusing on the reunion, many users criticized the car she arrived in, a Changan UNI-T, suggesting that her family was facing financial difficulties while she was using an expensive vehicle. The Cuban woman, identified as @lilianm270 on TikTok, clarified in subsequent videos that the car was old and rented, and showed images of her family's house in Cuba to counter the criticism.

But besides showing the good conditions in which his family lives in Cuba, he didn't hesitate to also show his home in the United States.

Responding directly to a user's comment that said, "These people live horribly; they have neither food nor a place to sit, but they drive a new car," Lilian posted a video showing her cars and her house.

In addition to showing the three cars that she and her husband have, including an Alfa Romeo, she showcased her living room to demonstrate that she has "somewhere to sit." "This is the big dog house where I live in the United States. Get situated, look at the neighborhood where I live. I see you filled with hate. I notice you are tense. Wait, I’m not done, everything is spread out, but here’s some food to give to you," she added, showing the full refrigerator.

"That's how you talk to people who have no job and get into other people's lives," "I’m amazed by people, and what saddens me the most is that it's among ourselves; what does that matter to people? Many blessings to you and keep succeeding so they can keep suffering," "Blessings, people only know how to criticize," "I love these responses," or "What a blessing that you left Cuba and help your beautiful family in Cuba. It's beautiful everything you've done based on effort," are some of the reactions found to this video from @lilianm270, where users applaud her way of responding.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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