Gerardo Hernández implores Cubans to "not overlook" the anniversary of the CDR.

Who is on guard today? What parents enroll their children in the organization when they turn 16? What Clic Patrol, what Red Sunday, what meeting, what celebration of what? No one is "for that" anymore, and Hernández Nordelo knows it.

Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, a failed spy and national coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), is worried because the 64th anniversary of the organization he leads is approaching, and he knows that Cubans detest it and are increasingly distancing themselves from it.

Destined from their origins for what is called "revolutionary surveillance," the CDR have accumulated decades of harmful influence in society, becoming cells of control and denunciation within the repressive framework of the Cuban totalitarian regime.

Facebook screenshot / Gerardo de Los Cinco

Riding on effective propaganda and the carefree times of the "pipeline" of subsidies from the "socialist camp," the CDR initially managed to become a functional organization within the totalitarian system that was being forged under the aegis of dictator Fidel Castro.

But, 64 years later, Cubans see in the “committees” the nest of neighborhood snitching, an instrument of the vampirism of Castroism, which drains the blood and soul of Cubans, and aims to turn each neighbor into the police of the other. If they still exist, it is thanks to the oversized power of the repressive machinery of the dictatorship.

Who is on guard today? Which parents enroll their children in the organization when they turn 16? What Clic Patrol, what Red Sunday, what meeting, what celebration of what? No one is “into that” anymore, and Hernández Nordelo knows it, but he insists that they are making progress in programs for the collection of “raw materials” and “blood donations.”

Facebook screenshot / Gerardo de Los Cinco

Discredited like the official press, the government of the so-called "continuity," or its "leader" Miguel Díaz-Canel, Cubans despise the CDR as those grotesque organizations that try to perpetuate a caste of mafiosos in power with the laughable argument of "defending the revolution."

Being a "cederista" in Cuba today is an anachronism or an insult to the vast majority of people. Only pathetic beings, disoriented old folks, opportunists with base ambitions, and at the forefront of them all, a miserable person with blood on their hands and coconut water in their skull cavity remain for that role.

"We are calling for people not to overlook the date, despite the difficulties in the country, the moments we are living, and the economic problems. That people, with the enthusiasm that has always characterized Cubans, there in their neighborhoods, do not forget the date," said the national coordinator on Wednesday in the Cuban Television News (NTV).

Making an effort to camouflage the plea in a cheerful call, Hernández Nordelo insisted. “The fact that these are difficult times doesn’t mean we are going to forget that celebration of the community, of the block, that has always characterized Cubans.”

All that propaganda display is replicated on his networks, where he is seen celebrating with a handful of people in front of a hot dish, dancing casino wheels, and visiting "community leaders" who receive an extra portion of whatever, in exchange for whatever. And "paloquesea Fidel, paloquesea."

"¡We are all cederistas!" shouts Hernández Nordelo on his social media, and his insignificant corte of trolls applauds, while Cubans wait for the shipment, the remittance, or the parole that will save them from that hell created by a bunch of twisted and mediocre agitators.

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Iván León

Bachelor's degree in journalism. Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master's degree in International Relations and European Integration from UAB.

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