Gerardo Hernández and the party secretary in Santiago de Cuba sing "happy birthday" to the CDR.

Empty of content and plunged into a moral and intellectual defeat, the organizers of the regime's propaganda events are downcast, unable to create new slogans, bored with the old ones, and resigned to reviving "revolutionary fervor" with congas and alcohol.

It is not the populism and the lowbrow elements that typically adorn the propaganda and events of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution; no, on its 64th anniversary, the largest “mass organization” of the Cuban regime took a further step into ridicule and foolishness by celebrating the occasion by singing “happy birthday” to the CDR.

Empty of content and sunk in a moral and intellectual defeat that is leading the regime headlong to collapse, the organizers of propaganda events are downcast, unable to create new slogans, bored with the old ones, and resigned to awaken "revolutionary fervor" with congas and alcohol.

There, in the front row, stood out the national coordinator of the CDR, the spy turned potted plant farmer and improviser of "cultivate your little piece." Gerardo Hernández Nordelo traveled this Sunday to the East of Cuba to celebrate the anniversary of the organization he is trying to revitalize, updating the classic snitching in cyber combat.

From the Caribbean region, in Guantánamo, the shower giver left quickly and swiftly towards Santiago de Cuba, a province that earned the "privilege" of being the venue for the celebration of the 64th anniversary of the CDR.

There, he was received by the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Beatriz Johnson Urrutia. At street level, not on top of a rooftop, where the leader usually goes when the street gets heated.

But on this September 28, everything was calculated and timed to welcome Nordelo Hernández, decorated as a "hero" by the regime thanks to his contribution to espionage and the downing of two aircraft from Brothers to the Rescue, which resulted in the death of four civilians.

And so it was that, late at night, Nordelo Hernández and Johnson Urrutia arrived in the neighborhood of Chicharrones [a suggestive name] where a "spontaneous" conga greeted them with the chant of "long live the CDR," amid the tired sways of a starving town, devoid of energy and belittled by the leaders of a totalitarian and repressive regime.

"A little gift for the haters who always ask to see the people in the streets. Chicharrones got heated up in Santiago de Cuba!" said the national coordinator of the CDR on his social networks, sharing a video of the conga in the darkness. The occasion allowed the coordinator of the snitching to appreciate a Chinese horn in his hands.

Next, he shared another, pathetic one, one that causes second-hand embarrassment, in which a group of Cederistas sings "happy birthday" to the decaying organization. Haggard, hesitant, and violent faces were captured by his camera in a circular pan that conveyed more an image of degradation than of celebration.

"In Santiago de Cuba, the event for the 64th anniversary of the CDR has ended, but the party continues!" wrote Hernández Nordelo on his social media, in another post made the following morning, with a video from the car that was taking him to his next propaganda front, in which he captured the remnants of another conga staged to convey the image of a perpetual party.

What do you think?


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Iván León

Bachelor's degree in journalism. Master's in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master's in International Relations and European Integration from UAB.

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