Cubans applaud bus driver who transported young woman who fainted in Havana.

The bus driver took the young woman to the nearest surgical center, but they refused to attend to her there.

Autobús frente al centro médico © Lisandra Martín / Facebook
Bus in front of the medical centerPhoto © Lisandra Martín / Facebook

A public transport driver in Havana took a action of humanity and solidarity with a passenger who fainted during the journey.

On Friday morning, a bus on the P9 route was making its usual run along the Calzada de Diez de Octubre when a young girl fainted in the aisle crowded with people.

The driver and his assistant decided to take her to the nearest health center and transferred her to the National Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery.

"Both maneuvered quickly and with full responsibility, bringing all the staff on board," reported a witness to the incident on the Facebook wall of the official journalist Lisandra Martín.

But upon arriving at the institution, the staff refused to attend to her because, according to a worker, they do not take care of anyone other than patients. The man sent them to the nearest polyclinic, located two blocks away, which meant that the bus would have to detour through Santa Catalina.

Facebook Capture / Lisandra Martín

"The driver's assistant raised his voice out of his human feeling, and between two passengers, they carried the girl into the facilities, in light of the refusal to assist her with a stretcher...," specified Eider Matos, the author of the post, who felt such indignation that he didn't want to witness any more.

"It is disgraceful what happens at times among Cubans themselves, it is undignified and inhumane... I extend my recognition to the morning crew of the P9 B160722 (I did so personally to their driver). And to those who refused to help the girl in a timely manner, that forgiveness and the dose of compassion they need," he concluded.

Numerous internet users have congratulated the P9 crew and questioned the attitude of the medical center staff.

"It is sad that such things happen due to a lack of empathy and bureaucratic regulations; providing first aid is vital to save lives, and then referring the case to the appropriate place," stated a dentist.

"Here are a few places that believe they are the center of the world. To that same clinic, if you don't have someone to take you there, you can't get in. Isn't everything supposed to be for the people and by the people?" questioned a mother.

"How did that nightmarish episode end? I go there for treatment and it's true that they don't have an emergency room, but I doubt the rejection came from any doctor. I suppose it's the work of one of those SVPs who can't tell a bomb from a melon," said a man.

At the end of August, a driver of a P11, which covers the El Vedado-Alamar route, refused to transport a sick elderly woman to the Enrique Betancourt Neninger polyclinic. A journalist recounted the incident on Facebook and clarified that assisting the woman would not affect the bus route in any way.

The Minister of Transport himself read the complaint and demanded that the provincial director take action.

"We are already in contact with the management of the Alamar Bus Terminal to respond to what happened," said the provincial director, Leandro Méndez Peña.

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