Truck driver survives a spectacular accident in Granma.

Accident in Jiguaní, Granma, leaves a vehicle overturned and the driver with minor injuries. The causes of the incident are being investigated.

Accidente en Jiguaní © Facebook Accidentes de Buses y Camiones
Accident in JiguaníPhoto © Facebook Accidents of Buses and Trucks

A Cuban driver survived a terrible traffic accident that occurred in the municipality of Jiguaní, Granma province, this Sunday.

The accident left the driver with minor injuries, but many people on social media celebrated that the man was able to survive the major impact that his truck suffered.

Facebook Bus and Truck Accidents

User Luis Manuel Figueredo Mojena shared images in the Facebook group Accidents Buses & Trucks. The truck, with the driver inside, rolled over several times, traveling between 20 and 50 meters out of control.

The incident, the causes of which have not yet been officially determined, occurred on a rural road in the region. The cabin of the vehicle, as seen in the images shared by the eyewitness, was completely destroyed.

In the accident photos, the truck can be seen flipped over on the vegetation near the road, with serious damage to the structure. Parts of the engine and other components were scattered on the ground.

This incident highlights the importance of driving cautiously on roads, especially in rural areas where road conditions can be more unpredictable.

Local authorities have not yet issued an official report on the accident, but investigations are expected to be conducted to clarify the exact causes of the incident.

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