Cuban compares life in Spain and the United States: "Even though they welcome you with open arms, you will always be an outsider."

A Cuban reflects on whether it is better to live in the United States or in Spain.

A Cuban, Iser Ramos (@iser.ramos on TikTok), sparked an interesting debate on TikTok by sharing his reflections on the differences between living in Spain and the United States. In his video, the TikToker highlights several aspects that differentiate both countries, from the climate to job opportunities and the experiences of immigrants.

In his clip, he begins by pointing out that in Spain, workers are entitled to one month of paid vacation by law, something that does not exist in the United States. However, he also mentions that in the U.S., salaries tend to be higher, although the cost of living is also considerably greater. "It's true that everything is more expensive in the United States, but there is one important thing, and that is that I know workers who have homes with pools," he notes, something he considers "impossible" in Spain.

However, it emphasizes that life for undocumented immigrants is difficult in both countries, although in Spain, after three years, it is possible to apply for residency.

During the video, Iser Ramos also touches on the topic of the weather, praising the "wonderful" climate of Miami, which he describes as perfect year-round, in contrast to the cold experienced in major cities in Spain. However, he clarifies that the Canary Islands also enjoy a favorable climate.

Finally, reflect on the sense of belonging in both places. She assures that in Spain, no matter how long you've been there, "you will always be a foreigner," even though Spaniards welcome immigrants "with open arms." In contrast, in Miami, she comments, "it doesn't matter if you've been here for 15 days or a year, you are from Miami."

"This is the capital of all Latinos," he concludes about the City of the Sun.

In response to the question posed by the Cuban in his video, "Where is it better to live, in Spain or the United States?", hundreds of users replied in the comments. Some messages regarding living in these two countries read: "In the United States, if you don't have good insurance, pray not to get sick because it's ruinous; in Spain, it's free," "In Valencia, the weather is perfect too, and the safety, tranquility, gastronomy, culture of socializing/partying, public services, and infrastructure are not found in the United States," "16 years in Spain, and you are right, we are always from the outside," "In the USA, people live to work. In Spain, people work to live," or "In Spain, you pay less but live better than in the United States."

And you, what do you think?

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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