A Cuban woman defends herself after criticism for a comment she made upon seeing the Cybertruck in Hialeah: "I prefer a house over the car of the year."

A Cuban woman stirs controversy by telling the owner of a Cybertruck to move out of Hialeah.

A Cuban woman living in Hialeah caused a stir on social media by posting a video on TikTok showing a Tesla Cybertruck parked in front of a house in Hialeah, specifically in Lago Grande. In the video, Claudia A. Cancino (@____clauangeline____ on TikTok) said: "Living in Hialeah in Lago Grande and with a Cybertruck, please, my people, move."

The young woman received dozens of criticisms for her comment, with many attacking her by calling her envious. In the face of all these negative messages, Claudia has not hesitated to respond to clarify that her video was meant to be humorous and that she is entitled to her opinion about those images.

"I have been receiving a lot of negative comments about a Cybertruck that is living in Hialeah, in Lago Grande. I didn't think people could be so mean as to call me envious. I did it because I am Cuban; I am not from this country, I came to this country to get ahead for myself and my family, and in my opinion, I prefer to have a nice house, with rooms and comfort, than to have a brand-new car," said the young Cuban, commenting that she prefers to invest in a good house with comforts instead of a top-of-the-line car, a stance she claims is personal and should not be a reason for criticism.

"It's not my problem, but we are in a free country to say what we want and not be criticized for it," she stated before responding to all those who attacked her with sexist comments.

"They also told me to find myself a husband; I don’t need a man to indulge myself. I work, what I want, I achieve on my own by working hard," she said.

Finally, the Cuban urged those who do not agree with her viewpoint to stop following her. "I can express my point of view and have my opinion, and as I said, everyone can have the car they want, but I prefer to have a nice house rather than a car. There is no envy; what I want to have, I can have," she concluded.

Many supported this Cuban in the comments. "It's part of being on social media, a sign that they saw you. Success!", "It's great that you have that maturity and don't fall into what is lived here in Miami, all appearances, beautiful," "I love how you think. The rest after having your own house. The rest is secondary. Well, in my humble opinion!!!!" or "Everyone spends their money as they want," said some users.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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