Criticism of her Cuban husband for going barefoot to the supermarket: "It's something to be ashamed of and embarrassed by."

A Cuban woman confronts her husband for going barefoot to the supermarket.

A Cuban woman criticized her husband during their visit to the supermarket for going barefoot, something she recorded and shared on her TikTok profile where she identifies as @lapatrona0801. During the video, the Cuban couple argues about the lack of footwear for the Cuban while they are at Walmart.

In the video, the woman expresses her frustration and points out that her husband makes her feel "shame and embarrassment" by not wearing shoes in public, a behavior she considers inappropriate. "This is why they speak poorly of Cubans, because one pays for all, starting with this man who doesn't set an example," she commented in the video, implying that such actions tarnish the image of Cubans abroad.

"They think this is funny, and what they do is talk about how bad Cubans are," La Patrona tells him, while her husband asks if she is recording him and defends himself. "I dress however I want, this is a country of freedom. I am going to pay, I'm not asking for money," he replies.

"This is something that only Cubans do. Very few know how to behave in a country that opened its doors to them," says the Cuban while she continues recording the feet.

The community of Cubans on TikTok has quickly reacted to the video, generating a debate about people’s clothing in public spaces like the supermarket. Many responded defending the man and criticizing the woman for her words.

"Oh lady, I have gone to Walmart in pajamas and nothing happens," "Long live the Cubans, blessings, for everyone they are natural without so much mask," "But you, lady, are no good either, because there’s no reason to make and spread that," "I don’t know what you call culture if here people walk around in flip-flops, without shirts, and women walk half-naked in the street and of all nationalities, and the worst is what you do to the Cuban," or "Up to here I followed you, each one goes as they want," they told this Cuban, who reacted to one of the comments saying that the man is her husband and can tell her whatever he wants.

"I can say whatever I want to that man because he is my husband," she responded to a criticism.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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