Traveling by train in Cuba: An odyssey of delays, technical failures, and cockroaches

The company Ferrocarriles de Rusia promises to revive the abandoned million-dollar plan that will aid in the recovery and modernization of the Cuban railway, but they have not stated when they will do so.

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

Viajar en tren en Cuba © TikTok @yuneisycubanita
Traveling by train in CubaPhoto © TikTok @yuneisycubanita

The young Cuban TikToker Yuneisy (@yuneisycubanita) shared in a video her experience traveling by train to the East of the island, revealing a series of incidents that complicated her journey, from delays in departure to hygiene issues and technical breakdowns during the trip.

The train left with an hour's delay, but that was not the only inconvenience. During the journey, the train broke down in the middle of a forest, forcing passengers to wait four long hours until they managed to resolve the technical issue.

In addition to the delay, the TikToker highlighted the lack of hygienic conditions, especially due to the presence of "German" cockroaches walking everywhere in the carriages.

The cockroach infestation is a serious hygiene issue that affects the travel experience.

Regarding the train conditions, Yuneisy explained that only some carriages have air conditioning, while the rest have open windows all the time and ceiling fans to try to mitigate the heat.

On board, food is sold. A small bread roll with cheese and a soft drink cost 150 Cuban pesos.

Yuneisy's journey did not end there. After reaching her destination, the young woman had to take a bus from "Ómnibus Nacionales" heading to Baracoa, which also broke down on the Farola road, forcing the passengers to wait several more hours.

This experience reflects the numerous challenges that Cubans face in their travels throughout the country, where the deterioration of public transportation, the scarcity of fuel, and the poor hygienic conditions are a constant that hinders internal movement.

A few days ago, the company Russian Railways (RZD in its Russian acronym) announced that it will resume a multimillion-dollar plan for the recovery and modernization of the Cuban railway.

At the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, they provided details about the contract they intend to resume with Cuba, despite the suspensions and postponements from previous years, especially due to the Cuban government's inability to pay.

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