Animal protectors in Sancti Spíritus celebrate the recovery of a horse that was attacked with machetes.

Animal protectors in Sancti Spíritus have expressed their deep gratitude to everyone who helped in the recovery of the horse that was the victim of a brutal attack: “Without your help, it would have been impossible,” they noted.

Animal protectors from the province of Sancti Spíritus celebrated the favorable recovery of a horse that was injured with a machete last Sunday.

The ARCA Sancti Spíritus Foundation, which reported this unfortunate event on social media, stated this Tuesday on Facebook that the volunteers are carrying out the treatment to the letter, with the guidance of Dr. Rodolfo Sori Barrionuevo.

Animal protectors in Sancti Spíritus have expressed their deep gratitude to everyone who collaborated in the recovery of the horse that was the victim of a brutal attack: "Without their help, it would have been impossible," they noted.

In particular, they highlighted the contribution of Dr. Fran, a veterinarian from Fomento, who donated essential medications for the treatment of the animal, and emphasized the ongoing support from the people of Sancti Spíritus, who have not ceased to show interest in the horse's health: “To all, infinite thanks.”

In the video, they showed the animal standing, with the wounds covered to prevent infection. They also explained that it is being given antibiotics and other medications, such as dextrose, metronidazole, and vitamin C, necessary for its recovery.

In the latest post made by the ARCA foundation on Facebook, they requested support to obtain aluminum spray, "for the wounds of the macheted horse and to be able to remove the bandages," they pointed out.

Facebook capture / ARCA Foundation Sancti Spíritus

Although this horse ran with good luck, it doesn't always happen that way, and social media bears witness to incidents of abuse and mistreatment.

The facts and reports that reflect the lack of protection for animals in Cuba show the regime's lack of willingness to provide them with adequate protection.

Facebook capture / Yenney Caballero

In August, the animal protector Yenney Caballero reported a new case of animal abuse in San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, where horses used for pulling carts are forced to stay under the sun, loaded with heavy burdens, while their owners rest in the shade.

Caballero stated on Facebook that he was able to see with his own eyes the sad reality of these animals: while their caregivers take shelter in the shade, chatting and laughing, the horses remain in the sun, dry and emaciated, with their heads down, burning like slaves.

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