Thief caught in Holguín after alleged assault on a country house.

Only one of the aggressors was captured, two of them are still at large, leaving residents on high alert.

Detenido presunto ladrón © Facebook Max Max
Detained suspected thiefPhoto © Facebook Max Max

A family in Holguín experienced an alarming situation on the night of September 9, when three individuals, allegedly armed with machetes and knives, attempted to rob their home.

The incident was reported on social media by a user identified as Max Max, who detailed the event and thanked the swift intervention of the authorities and neighbors who managed to capture one of the assailants, while the other two are still at large.

Facebook Max Max

The report indicates that the events occurred around 10:30 p.m., when the individuals entered the yard of the house with the apparent intention of stealing a mare.

One of the individuals involved, identified as Y. M. P., was recognized by the community as someone with a criminal record.

During the incident, a verbal confrontation occurred with Juan Carlos Zúñiga Cuza, Max Max's brother-in-law, who claims he was threatened with a knife while trying to prevent the alleged theft.

After the intervention of the neighbors, the three individuals managed to escape into the woods, but they returned about an hour later and, according to the report, entered the yard of another neighbor, from which they allegedly stole poultry.

Tension in the neighborhood increased and residents remained alert until one of the alleged individuals involved, Mulet Pupo, was seen in the area again.

Finally, around midnight, the neighbors alerted the National Revolutionary Police (PNR), who proceeded to capture the suspect at his home.

Y. M. P. was found hiding under a bed, covered with sheets and mosquito nets. In his possession, allegedly, a machete, a dagger, and the poultry that had been reported as stolen were found.

Max expressed his gratitude on social media to the neighbors and authorities for their quick action, and he asked for collaboration to locate the other two suspects who are still at large. He also requested to share the information to alert the community about these events.

Although the investigation is still ongoing, the case has raised concerns among the residents of the area, who are calling for greater security and peace in the neighborhood.

"No to theft, no to crime. We need tranquility in this country that is rotting more and more," said the author of the complaint, visibly upset with the rise of violence in Cuba.

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