Cuban hands out candies to children on the street in Cuba.

Upon his return to Cuba, this young man had a nice gesture with the children by giving them candies.

During his visit to Cuba, a Cuban living in Spain had a nice gesture with the children by giving them candies on the street. A moment shared by @alex.badboi, the main character of this beautiful scene, on his TikTok profile, where he has touched the hearts of more compatriots.

In the video he published, you can see how he hands out candies to the children, who gather around him to receive their dose of sweetness.

The video has generated various reactions on social media, where many users congratulated this Cuban, while others hope to have the opportunity to do something nice for the younger people when they can return to the island.

"I, the day life gives me the opportunity to go to Cuba, can assure you that I will stop by the children's hospital to help the parents who have their children there," "I’m going at the end of this month to celebrate a party with all the kids in the neighborhood to give them candies and things," "Beautiful action, the children of Cuba hardly know what a candy is anymore," "How those sweets are enjoyed, they don't exist in Cuba, it's sad that's why we are here, so our children have a childhood that every child should have, beautiful gesture that God multiply it for you," "I hope that everyone who visits our island makes those gestures to the children, many can't afford those little pleasures that every child deserves," are some of the comments left for the user @alex.badboi.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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