Cuban couple reunites in Houston after months of separation: "What Changó and Yemayá united"

The young Cuban welcomed her partner at the airport with balloons and the American flag.

A couple of Cubans experienced a moment they will never forget at the Houston airport, where a young woman welcomed her partner holding balloons decorated with welcome messages and an American flag. A reception that she shared on her TikTok profile, where she identifies as @unayemayasita31.

The airport in the city of Texas once again serves as the setting for a meeting between a young Cuban couple who, after his arrival, begin a new chapter in their lives and their love story. After being separated for some time, they were finally able to reunite in the United States, a country where so many Cubans seek a better future outside the borders of Cuba.

As soon as she saw him, the young woman jumped into her boyfriend's arms, and they hugged and kissed in front of those present. He wrapped himself in the American flag.

"What Changó and Yemayá have united, only they can separate. Welcome my love," she said over the video, which has gone viral on TikTok.

This scene resonates among Cubans living abroad, those who hope to reunite with their loved ones or have already experienced the sweetness of family gatherings.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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