Cuban speaks out as a victim of alleged settling of scores in Havana

This person claims that he was brutally attacked inside his own house while he was resting with his wife and small children.

Dany Pérez Rodríguez (Dany Yarini), who was a victim of a violent attack in his home located in the Las Cañas neighborhood, Boyeros, in Havana in an alleged settling of accounts, offered new statements through his social media, where he explains the origin of the conflict.

He emphasized that he is a simple and honest man. "I am a Cuban who fights, who has his own businesses. I am not a millionaire nor am I looking for thousands of pesos, but I defend myself to take care of my children. I am neither a criminal nor a murderer, as some have said on social media," he expressed.

In his statements, he claims that the origin of the conflict is related to a previous incident when the leader of the gang that attacked him entered his farm a few days ago to steal bunches of bananas.

In addition, he reported that this same individual robbed a neighbor's house, which led to a fight in the neighborhood. Later, the gang of that supposed criminal tried to steal his motorcycle, and Dany struck the individual in the head.

The next day, the man, accompanied by his father, an elderly gentleman, arrived armed at Dany's house and began the attack in front of the victim's children. "He was telling his father to kill me," the affected person recounted.

"I don't want to resort to violence, because when I get violent, I really get bad," he said. However, he stated that if he feels compelled to defend himself again, he will do so without fear.

"I believe in God and in San Lázaro and I see this as another test of their existence because they saved my life. If I have to defend myself again, I do it without any fear. This country is like this, it's every man for himself. This is like a jungle," he commented.

Dany lamented the injuries of the people involved in the attack, especially those of the elderly man, the father of his attacker, but reaffirmed that he acted in defense of his family and of what he has achieved through hard work.

This case highlights the growing wave of violence in Cuba, where the lack of police action has driven many to take justice into their own hands.

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