Gerardo Hernández boasts while pushing a bus in Cuba.

The former spy boasted about the "strength" of the Cuban cedristas, despite the fact that it is an organization that is declining in the country.

In the midst of the deep transportation crisis affecting Cuba, Gerardo Hernández, national coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), has faced criticism for boasting about the strength of the organization for managing to get a half-broken bus working in Villa Clara.

"Where there are cederistas, there are no ghosts! And even less so in Camajuaní!" Hernández wrote on his social media, alongside the video showing him pushing a bus with a group of people.

The publication comes at a critical moment for public transportation in Cuba, due to the lack of fuel, spare parts, and the general deterioration of the vehicle fleet.

Transportation problems are significant, both in the capital and in provincial cities, and even more so in the rural areas of the country.

Far from being funny, the situation of pushing a bus reflects a problem that directly affects the daily lives of thousands of Cubans who depend on a collapsing transportation system.

September 28 is CDR Day in Cuba. The mass organization has been in decline for years. Last week, Hernández urged Cubans to celebrate the date, but he received harsh criticism on social media, as many internet users stated: "the country is not in a mood for celebrations."

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