They denounce police inaction in the robbery of an 80-year-old farmer in Villa Clara.

The farmer Pedro Ramos Toscano, 80 years old, was the victim at the end of August of the theft of over a thousand yuca crabs and reported it to the PNR, which has done nothing to capture the thieves.

Pedro Ramos Toscano, campesino cubano de 80 años © Facebook/Héctor Tol Etón
Pedro Ramos Toscano, 80-year-old Cuban farmerPhoto © Facebook/Héctor Tol Etón

Inhabitants of Manicaragua, in Villa Clara, indignantly reported the negligence and complete lack of action by the police in that municipality regarding the theft of over a thousand cassava crabs from an 80-year-old farmer, who, despite his age, continues to cultivate the land.

The veteran farmer Pedro Ramos Toscano was the victim of the theft of that amount of tuber crabs at the end of August, and he reported it to the PNR, which has done nothing to capture the thieves, according to a citizen complaint made from the Facebook profile of the user Héctor Tol Etón.

Facebook capture

According to the testimony, Ramos went to the PNR of Manicaragua on August 28, around two in the afternoon, to report the robbery.

"There they wrote on a piece of paper the figure of more than a thousand yuca crabs that they took, the farmer requested proof of something and they told him it was not necessary," the publication notes.

The authorities "are still claiming that there is no evidence of theft and that nothing can be done, and without a receipt, there is no evidence of a report to the police, meaning there is no formality in the PNR," warns the note.

Ramos is farming on a plot at the entrance to Negrito, on the road to Güinía, the user indicated, stating that the farmer is "very disappointed because through his hard work he is living with crime and nothing is being done."

"This is how the Nicaraguan farmers are without security in their crops, and this is how they will plant less and less each day," he assured.

"Here in Manicaragua, the Minint and the prosecutor's office are there to come after those who do not agree with the government," he stated. "While they waste time on surveillance, strong things are happening."

"At this moment, all the farmers in Manicaragua are very disappointed because they do not find support from the internal forces to take measures against crime," emphasized the user who reported the case, confirmed in the comments by other residents of the area.

Several of them took the opportunity to report thefts of which they have been victims, while the authorities continue to fail to catch the criminals.

A woman residing in Santa Clara lamented the incident and shared her experience: “Poor man, I know him personally and I know that all of this is true, but besides that, I am more than sure that there are some police officers (not all) who are in favor of the criminal and that’s why they didn’t provide a receipt; I say this from my own experience, as I went through something similar, but with my cell phone.”

“They always give the same response to everything, my daughter was broken into in her house, they stole from her and that’s the response, having evidence and suspicions, and nothing changes, everything remains the same,” wrote another Cuban.

In recent years, as the economic, political, and social crisis in Cuba has intensified, Cuban farmers have repeatedly reported the theft of their properties and the danger they face while protecting their animals and crops. At the same time, they have denounced the police's inaction in the face of such events.

Some had no choice but to sell their herd, like the owner of the La Fe farm in Colombia, Las Tunas, due to the rise in thefts and the negligence of the authorities, who "do nothing" to stop the crimes and catch the criminals.

A farmer from Pinar del Río reported the continuous thefts of his crops for years, while the police have never arrested those responsible.

In July 2023, the farmer Moisés Ricardo Zayas, 64 years old, was allegedly murdered on his property in Mayarí, Holguín province, to steal his livestock, according to his relatives' reports.

At the end of that year, another farmer was the victim of a robbery in his own home, from which the thieves took 30 million pesos, according to an official source.

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