Blackouts for this Monday in Cuba due to a deficit close to 1,000 MW

There are three blocks of three thermoelectric plants halted due to breakdowns, and 51 distributed generation plants out of service due to lack of fuel, affecting 341 MW.

Apagón en Cuba (Imagen referencial) © CiberCuba
Blackout in Cuba (Reference image)Photo © CiberCuba

A new week of anguish and suffocation begins for Cubans, with long blackouts that this Monday will reach a deficit of nearly 1,000 MW, even worse than those over the weekend.

According to the report from the Unión Eléctrica (UNE), service was affected on Sunday due to a deficit in generation capacity for 24 hours a day, and as of this morning it has not been restored. The maximum impact was 715 MW, at 8:50 PM.

The availability of the national electric power system (SEN) at 7:00 am was 2300 MW, and the demand was 2450 MW, with 106 MW affected. During peak hours, a greater impact is estimated, of 450 MW.

During peak hours, a deficit of 900 MW is estimated, with an impact of 970 MW at this time.

Facebook Capture / Electric Union UNE

There are three blocks of the same number of thermoelectric plants stopped due to breakdowns.

In addition, 51 distributed generation plants (341 MW affected) are out of service due to lack of fuel, and the limitations in thermal generation are 527 MW.

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