Main news from Miami today, September 18: Closure of Blue Martini, arrest of Ovi, and more.

Miami stands out with the closure of Blue Martini, the arrest of singer Ovi, and Aymée Nuviola's celebration of her nomination at the Latin Grammy. Additionally, Cubans are finding new job opportunities.

Ilustración abstracta de Miami © CiberCuba
Abstract illustration of MiamiPhoto © CiberCuba

Miami remains the epicenter of important events that affect both the local community and Cubans in exile. Today, September 18, 2024, the top news includes the closure of the iconic Blue Martini in Kendall, the arrest of Cuban singer Ovi, and Aymée Nuviola's celebration of her nomination for a Latin Grammy.

The Blue Martini in Kendall is closing.

The iconic nightclub Blue Martini in Kendall, frequented by the Cuban community, has closed its doors after 14 years of operation. The venue's manager, Steve Piña, announced the closure via his Instagram account over the weekend, thanking everyone who made this place a meeting and celebration point for over a decade. The closure marks the end of an era for one of the most emblematic sites in the area.

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Cuban singer Ovi arrested in Miami

The Cuban singer Ovi, whose real name is Ovidio Crespo, was arrested on September 17 in Miami on multiple charges, including pointing a gun at a young man while driving. The complaint was filed by Venezuelan model Giussepe Benignini, who claims that Ovi threatened him with a gun after a confrontation on the road. The artist is facing charges of drug possession, firearm display, and aggravated assault.

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Rises again in Miami: Cuban who was on the street finds a job.

A Cuban named Yasser, who was living on the streets of Miami after a rough patch, found a job in construction thanks to the help of a compatriot who reached out to him through social media. Yasser's story has touched the Cuban community in exile, who have offered him support and solidarity during a difficult time in his life.

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Aymée Nuviola celebrates her fifth nomination at the Latin Grammy.

The renowned Cuban singer Aymée Nuviola has been nominated for the Latin Grammy for the fifth time, this time in the category of Best Latin Jazz Album for her collaboration on the album Busco tu recuerdo with maestro Sammy Figueroa. The artist expressed her happiness and gratitude on her social media for this new opportunity to represent Cuba at the prestigious awards.

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Residents of the burned building in Miami move to a new condominium.

The more than 60 families that lost their homes in the fire at the Temple Court building in Miami last June have finally moved into a modern condominium in the Downtown area of the city. The new complex, called Sawyer’s Walk, offers all the necessary amenities and represents a new beginning for the residents, many of whom are elderly and disabled individuals.

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With the closure of one of the most iconic clubs in Kendall, the arrest of singer Ovi, and new opportunities for Cubans in Miami, the city continues to be a focal point for relevant news. To not miss any updates about the Cuban community in exile, entertainment events, and local happenings, follow CiberCuba on all its digital platforms and stay informed about everything happening in Miami and beyond.

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