Trump will support the abortion ban in Florida.

Florida became a place where women traveled from other territories to terminate their pregnancies.

The former president of the United States and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said during a campaign rally that he will support the abortion ban in the state of Florida.

In Johnstown, in the state of Pennsylvania, where he met with supporters of his campaign, he assured that he is against an amendment that would repeal the ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy in Florida, according to the Efe agency.

"It takes more than six weeks. (...) But at the same time, the Democrats are radicals, (...) so I will vote no for that (last) reason," said the Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States.

For that reason, he called on the voters of that state to go to the polls on November 5, where, in addition to electing the country's president, a referendum will be voted on to eliminate the six-week veto imposed by his own party.

According to data from the Guttmacher Institute, a private organization that advocates for abortion, in 2023 there were about 7,000 abortions each month in Florida, a figure that represents one in three interruptions performed in the southern region of the country.

That state became a place where women traveled from other territories to interrupt their pregnancies. For example, neighboring Georgia and nearby South Carolina have it prohibited.

However, what has caught attention is Trump's change of stance, who until recently declared himself in favor of banning abortion after the 15th week of pregnancy, although with exceptions.

"Let's set a moment, and maybe we can unite the country on that topic," he said in an interview on the program "Sid & Friends in the Morning" on WABC radio.

Regarding this turn in Trump's statements, U.S. Vice President and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris expressed criticism.

"Trump has just made his stance on abortion very clear: he will vote in favor of maintaining such an extreme prohibition that it applies even before many women know they are pregnant," he indicated in a written statement released by his campaign.

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