54-year-old Cuban responds to criticism for wearing leggings with heels: "No one can decide how to dress or behave me."

"I also don't allow anyone to tell me what I have to do and what I don't have to do."

The Cuban content creator @70queereparto firmly responded to criticism about her clothing on TikTok, where a user questioned her for wearing tights with heels. The 54-year-old Cuban didn't hesitate to react, defending her freedom to dress as she wishes.

"I have always been a very rebellious person, a person who in a country where you have no freedom of expression tried to be myself... with freedom of expression, to dress as I wanted," she explained in her video, recalling the times when she lived on the island and defied the rules imposed by society. She also mentioned an episode in which "once I even got beaten for not letting someone impose what they wanted on me," showing her determination from a young age.

In her direct response, she also questioned the anonymity of her critic: "you are currently writing from a profile that doesn't even have a picture" and asserted that she wouldn't allow anyone to dictate how she should dress: "I don't allow anyone to tell me what I have and don't have to do," although she concluded with a respectful tone: "if what I'm saying offended you, I'm sorry, always without hate, just stating what I think, okay?"

The video has generated dozens of comments, mostly in support. "You look beautiful in everything you wear, let them deal with it"; "That is having personality"; "I was born in the 80s... I've never worn leggings except to go to the gym, but I wear everything else as I feel most comfortable," to which the creator responded reaffirming her stance: "I wear whatever I want. No one today, especially, can decide how I should dress or behave."

Other users also highlighted the respectful manner in which the creator expressed her opinion. "It had to be said, and it was said with courtesy... let's wear what suits us and we like." Additionally, they advised her not to pay attention to the criticism: "Wear what you want, ignore everyone else, you are always a queen."

This is not the first time that this Cuban has captured attention and expressions of support online, where on more than one occasion she has demonstrated not only her spectacular figure but also her vitality and rhythm to dance to almost any beat. A few months ago, she went viral dancing to the song "La Temba" by Seidy La Niña, making it clear that her unique energy and style continue to capture the attention of her followers.

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