She even did some twerking! They made a Cuban woman believe she had won 50 thousand dollars with a fake scratch-off.

The Cuban's coworkers were responsible for this joke.

A Cuban clerk in the United States was the victim of a prank by her coworkers, who gave her a winning scratch-off for 50 thousand dollars. The star of this viral video is @babyladecapecoral on TikTok, who initially appears happy about to scratch her ticket.

"Let's see if I become a millionaire. Let's go for it," she says before she starts scratching the lottery ticket. "I gave one to each of them, but no one won anything," says one of the coworkers, getting into character.

After finishing scratching, the ticket indicates that she has won 50 thousand dollars, to which Bárbara begins to scream out of joy, throws herself on the ground, and even does a twerking in the middle of her job.

"You have to confirm properly," another colleague tells her. It is not until the end that her colleagues tell her it was a joke, that she realizes it is a fake ticket. A joke that was taken in good humor amid laughter.

The reactions to this joke were immediate, with comments such as: "And they still say money doesn’t make people happy," "That’s why I don’t accept little gifts from anyone," "Oh my God, I would quit right there and never look at his face again. Come on, that’s not cool," "Wow, you really nailed it, not even Michael Jackson could beat that," "Oh poor thing, I almost cried from laughing. You’ll win it soon, you’ve already declared it to the universe," or "Girl, I’m never talking to anyone again who pulls that joke on me," said some users.

This is not the first prank on a Cuban with scratch cards that goes viral on social media. A few days ago, a chef also fell for the same joke, but instead of 50 thousand dollars, it was 500 thousand.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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